Category: Uncategorized

My Favorite Baking Sheets

If you have been baking for a significant amount of time you know how important your baking sheets are. If you are just starting out, let me tell you, they are important. This post is all about what pans to use to get the best, most even bakes. Color: You want a light baking sheet.…

By Laura Hartline April 13, 2020 Off


Snickerdoodles are one of my favorite cookies. They are simple but SO good. If you haven’t made them, don’t wait another second. This recipe is easy and you most likely have everything you need in your pantry. The one ingredient that makes snickerdoodles unique is cream of tartar. Cream of tartar is a form of…

By Laura Hartline February 21, 2020 Off

Oreo Truffles

Okay, these are hands down the easiest, yummiest treats you will make this season. We make these truffles every year and they are a favorite for anyone who tries them. People, there are only THREE ingredients. Did you hear me? I screamed it – THREE ingredients! That’s right – anyone can make these and if…

By Laura Hartline December 13, 2019 Off

Amazon Prime Day Picks

Prime day is a great way to get some of those things on your wish list at a great savings all with FREE SHIPPING. Since we’ll be moving next month, my list is long! I’m sharing with you a few things that I will be snagging on Prime Day. First is the Ring doorbell. Because…

By Laura Hartline July 15, 2019 Off

Coconut Tres Leches

What a better way to jazz up a tres leches cake than to add coconut? I have a hard time resisting tres leches as it is, but when you add coconut, I’m a goner. Really this should be called coconut quatro leches cake because there are actually four milks, but that just doesn’t sound right.…

By Laura Hartline April 10, 2019 Off

Pineapple Glazed Meatballs

I will admit, years ago I tried making meatballs and failed miserably. Whatever I did, it was all wrong because they ended up in the trash. It was actually Gabi who found a recipe and made them with some pasta that changed my meatball game. This recipe is simple and tasty and easy to cook.…

By Laura Hartline January 27, 2019 Off

Peanut or Cookie Butter Balls

We waited all year for my neighbor’s girls to come over with their little plate of goodness in December.  What were were waiting for?  Peanut butter balls.  When I say we, I mean half of our family.  Well, maybe two thirds of us to be exact.  Gabi and Emma do not like peanut butter.  So…

By Laura Hartline December 1, 2018 Off

Breakfast Tacos

It’s taco Tuesday!  In my world, you can have tacos any day, especially breakfast tacos.  These are easy and a fun way to dress up breakfast food, whether you eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.  They are so versatile and everyone can make them just the way they like!  We do meals like this…

By Laura Hartline October 16, 2018 Off

Grilled Zucchini Caprese

Fast and easy, healthy and delicious.  There is not much more to say.  When you have tomatoes and zucchini taking over your garden, this is a great way to get rid of some.  Either a healthy lunch or a nice appetizer, you can’t go wrong.  The balsamic vinegar reduction adds a zing of flavor.  I…

By Laura Hartline August 3, 2018 Off