Chocolate Caramel Oatmeal Bars

I love chocolate, that is no secret. I love chocolate and caramel, also not a secret (why would I keep those facts a secret?) What I don’t love, is caramel getting stuck in my teeth. Don’t worry, this recipe does not have that kind of caramel! Also, while I am disclosing chocolate facts about myself,…

By Laura Hartline April 28, 2021 Off

Carrot Cupcakes

Spring means carrot cake right? Or at least Easter means carrot cake! If you ask me, carrot cake is acceptable all year long. My kids make Andy and I a carrot cake every year for our anniversary in September because our wedding cake was a carrot cake. I LOVE ME SOME CARROT CAKE!! Does your…

By Laura Hartline March 22, 2021 Off

Air Fryer Taquitos

I LOVE Mexican food. Someone asked me recently, if there was one food you had to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? My answer is Mexican. Hands down. No hesitation. Heck, I’m making it for dinner tonight! I am always looking for new Mexican recipes that I can fit into…

By Laura Hartline February 22, 2021 Off

Breakfast Burritos

Breakfast. Some people say it is the most important meal of the day. I am not a nutritionist or anything close so I can’t claim that breakfast is important for scientific reasons. I am human, though, and know that I need fuel for the day. So breakfast, it’s an important meal. It is also important…

By Laura Hartline January 11, 2021 Off

Candied Nuts

I am a sucker for candied nuts. It’s so hard to walk by the stall at the mall that is making them with the cinnamon aroma filling the air without stopping and buying some. Whether it is almonds, walnuts, pecans, or a mixture, I’ll take it! This recipe is simple and fast, done in under…

By Laura Hartline December 17, 2020 Off

Mint Truffles

As I have stated before, I love all things chocolate and mint. My love affair began with the mint oreo duo when I was pregnant with Beau. I craved grasshopper milk shakes. There was an Arctic Circle just down the road from our house so it was easy access when the craving hit. I have…

By Laura Hartline December 16, 2020 Off


Wassail has become one of my favorite drinks in the recent winter months. First, what is wassail? Wassail is either a hot cider or any kind of citrusy drink with spices. Some people add alcohol – you won’t see that version here. My favorite version consists of a little of everything: cider, citrus, and spices.…

By Laura Hartline December 7, 2020 Off

Sausage Bites

I realize we might not be getting together with a lot of people this holiday season. It will be hard not to have our usual parties to look forward to. I know for me, we usually have a party with friends, old roommates, work parties, and church parties. Of course, none of those will be…

By Laura Hartline December 4, 2020 Off

Peanut Butter Fudge Balls

It is that time of year when I can’t resist a chocolate ball. Oh wait, that is all the time! I realize that I already have a recipe for peanut butter balls on this website. Those peanut butter balls are more like Reese’s Pieces. These are more of a peanut butter flavored fudge as you…

By Laura Hartline November 29, 2020 Off