Category: Bread


I am not afraid to admit it, I am a corn bread snob. Growing up, the only corn bread I had was made from a Jiffy box – blagh! I rarely ate it because I thought all corn bread must be like this. I was wrong. I went to a chili cook off and low…

By Laura Hartline June 14, 2019 Off

Cinnamon Rolls

I remember the first time I made these cinnamon rolls.* I took them to a play date at the park in the neighborhood we lived in at the time. My kids were little – I don’t even think Beau was born yet. We were having a pot luck lunch and I showed up with two…

By Laura Hartline April 19, 2019 Off


In my book, biscuits should be layers of buttery, fluffy, flaking goodness. You never want to bite into a biscuit and all you get is mush, or worse, something hard or chewy. Biscuits should melt in your mouth and only get better with more butter and honey or ramp it up – sausage and gravy!…

By Laura Hartline April 12, 2019 Off

Banana Bread

There a million banana bread recipes out there and I have only ever made this one. So to say that this is the best one, I don’t really know. However, I have tasted many banana breads in my years, and I know that this is the best one I have tasted – which is why…

By Laura Hartline February 8, 2019 Off

Apple Muffins

Have you ever contributed to a cookbook for a fundraiser? They are some of my favorite cookbooks because you usually know the people and trust that they are submitting good recipes. I mean, I would only submit my very best, tried and true recipes to a cookbook and I imagine others have the same idea.…

By Laura Hartline February 4, 2019 Off

Poppy Seed Bread

If you are looking for a new sweet bread recipe to try out, here it is.  This bread is so packed with flavor and topped with a crunchy orange glaze, it will become a favorite rather quickly. A blend of vanilla, almond, and butter flavors bring this poppy seed bread to life.

By Laura Hartline December 4, 2018 Off

Sweet Potato Muffins

This is a recipe that goes way back.  I remember how skeptical I was when my mom first told me she was making sweet potato muffins.  Really, sweet potatoes in muffins?  Obviously my exposure to sweet potatoes was limited – pretty much to the mashed ones we had at Thanksgiving.  Well, this sweet little muffin…

By Laura Hartline November 27, 2018 Off

Pumpkin Bread

This is hands down my most requested recipe.  Every Christmas I make loaves and loaves of pumpkin bread and we give them to neighbors, friends, family, teachers, bus drivers, garbage men, the mail man, the list goes on.  Every year I get at least 3 or 4 requests for the recipe.  Really, people, it is…

By Laura Hartline September 21, 2018 Off

Zucchini Bread

Do you have zucchini coming out of your ears?  I do!  I have learned to only plant one zucchini plant because that produces more than enough for our family.  I can’t give them away fast enough!  I am going to be posting some of my favorite ways to eat zucchini.  It is a very versatile…

By Laura Hartline August 3, 2018 Off