Almond Toffee
One of the things I love about food is that it can remind you of people, places, or events that have happened in our lives. This recipe is a special one for me that involves my 12 year old, Luke. This story actually begins when he was 4. All my kids went to the same preschool with the same teacher. It was three days a week, 2 1/2 hours, and one of the goals, along with socialization, was to teach the children to read. By November, both the teacher and I could tell that Luke was struggling. We concluded that he was not quite ready for this program and put him a less academic pre-school. His birthday is August 15th so he could have started kindergarten the following school year. Andy and I decided to have him return to the academic preschool. He did better but still struggled. Reading was not coming easy for this guy. If any of you know him, Luke is super chill! He is content to play, relax, and generally go with the flow. I didn’t push the reading too much at this stage because let’s face it, he was only 5 and lots of kids don’t grasp reading until they are older. However, we kept practicing. When he started kindergarten and then first grade, the school tested him and came back with the results of “a specific learning disability.” Well, that was school talk for dyslexia. They aren’t allowed to say that word. We met with his teachers and the learning support staff to develop an IEP (Individual Education Plan).
Fast forward a couple years and he is in second grade in CA. New state, new school, new teacher. IEPs follow students where ever they go and the schools adapt them to fit their state requirements and staff. His teacher could tell that he was struggling. Not just with reading, but emotionally too. He had a difficult time focusing. He was comparing himself with the other students and knew that he wasn’t able to keep up with them. He was getting upset with his limitations which caused him to think less of himself. The teacher took the time to work with him and made the accommodations that were required but his attitude just kept getting worse. She came to me with her concerns. She explained that although he was not a disruption in class at all, she could sense his unhappiness and frustration with himself. By this time, we all knew that there was something more than just dyslexia that Luke was dealing with. We had him tested and found that he also has Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). We spoke with the teacher about this and her experiences with it. Not only did she talk in length with us about her teaching experiences but also personal experiences with her own son. Her words, encouragement, and compassion helped us make a decision on how to proceed. I will never forget this teacher and her willingness to share her feelings and understandings on the subject. She made a lasting impact on Luke and I am grateful for her.
The recipe is her’s. She made it for the students at Christmas time and gave them the recipe to bring home. In our house it is known as Ms. Jone’s Toffee. Probably the best toffee I have ever had and it is so EASY! The fact that it came from her, makes it even better! The recipe calls for Hersey Bars – you can use milk chocolate or dark chocolate. You know I am a fan of dark but I always use milk because the kids like it that way. You could also use different nuts if almonds aren’t your thing or emit the nuts altogether. Toffee is fun because it is versatile: addition to cookies or brownies, ice cream topping, etc. Try it today!

Almond Toffee
Crunchy, nutty, sugary toffee will melt in your mouth!
- 1 cup sliced almonds
- 1 cup butter
- 1 cup sugar
- 4 Hershey bars
Spread almonds evenly on a cookie sheet
Mix butter and sugar on medium heat, stirring constantly until it is the color of a paper bag. A darker color is better than a lighter color.
Pour the mixture over the almonds, spreading with the back of a spoon. Set the Hersey bars on the hot mixture. Allow them a minute or two to melt, then spread out evenly with a knife.
It will take several hours for the chocolate to cool and harden. Cut with a large food scraper. Enjoy!