Peanut or Cookie Butter Balls
We waited all year for my neighbor’s girls to come over with their little plate of goodness in December. What were were waiting for? Peanut butter balls. When I say we, I mean half of our family. Well, maybe two thirds of us to be exact. Gabi and Emma do not like peanut butter. So Andy, Luke, Beau, and I ate them all! When I decided to make peanut butter balls, I took pity on the girls and tried a substitute for peanut butter in half the balls. I turned to cookie butter – that versatile spread of goodness also called speculous. You can find it anywhere these days next to the peanut butter. This is also a great option for those of you who are allergic of have kids allergic to peanuts. For my peanut butter balls, I use Adam’s spreadable creamy peanut butter. There is no sugar added so it is much better for the peanut butter balls. I also use dark chocolate to cover them because I love dark chocolate. Go ahead and use milk chocolate if that’s your thing but whatever you do, Enjoy!
Peanut or Cookie Butter Balls
These little bite size morsels of peanut or cookie butter are covered in delicious chocolate.
- 1/2 cup peanut butter - I use Adam's no stir creamy. Use 2/3 cup cookie butter if you are making cookie butter balls.
- 1/4 cup butter softened
- 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 12oz package chocolate chips I use Hershey's special dark but you can use what ever you like
Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Mix the first three ingredients together. It will be crumbly but you will be able to grab a tablespoon full and form a one inch ball. Place on the sheet pan and continue to do that until all balls are formed. Put in refrigerator for at least 10 minutes.
Pour chocolate chips in a bowl and melt in microwave for one minute. Stir chips and return to microwave for 30 second increments until all the chocolate is melted and smooth.
Dip balls into the chocolate and cover ball completely. I use a fork to pull out of the chocolate. Return to the pan and repeat with all peanut butter balls. Place in refrigerator to harden. Enjoy!