Tag: zucchini

Zucchini Bread

Do you have zucchini coming out of your ears?  I do!  I have learned to only plant one zucchini plant because that produces more than enough for our family.  I can’t give them away fast enough!  I am going to be posting some of my favorite ways to eat zucchini.  It is a very versatile…

By Laura Hartline August 3, 2018 Off

Zucchini Chocolate Chip Cookies

What?  Zucchini in a cookie?  We eat it in bread don’t we?  Why not a cookie?  I have to say, these cookies all but disappear when I make them.  They are GOOD! Because zucchini has such a high percentage of water, even after squeezing it out as much as you can, the cookies tend to…

By Laura Hartline August 3, 2018 Off

Grilled Zucchini Caprese

Fast and easy, healthy and delicious.  There is not much more to say.  When you have tomatoes and zucchini taking over your garden, this is a great way to get rid of some.  Either a healthy lunch or a nice appetizer, you can’t go wrong.  The balsamic vinegar reduction adds a zing of flavor.  I…

By Laura Hartline August 3, 2018 Off

Zucchini Fries

In my opinion, this is the best way to eat zucchini.  Not the healthiest, but the best.  What food doesn’t taste better fried, right?  This is breaded, crispy goodness.  Dip it in some marinara, even better!  When I made these a few weeks ago, Luke made his own pretty impressive creation.  I think he’s got…

By Laura Hartline August 3, 2018 Off