Rice Krispies Treats
I am not sure how many batches of rice krispies treats I made in middle school but it was a lot. It was the standard treat to bring to a sleep over back in the day. Seriously, I don’t think my friend and I showed up at the other’s house without a pan of rice krispies treats. I am not at all exaggerating this! I am pretty sure I have pictures if you want proof.
Well, back when no one cared about how much butter we ate, the recipe called for an entire stick of butter. Yes, can you believe it? I know, what were they thinking? I will tell you what they were thinking – that it tastes good. Nowadays the original rice krispies treat recipe will tell you to use 3 Tbsp of butter and 10 oz of marshmallows. How did the recipe go from 8 Tbsp of butter to 3 Tbsp? And does it make a difference? To answer the first question, my guess is parents started to become more health conscience and demanded that our food be bland, dry, and tasteless. My answer to the second, YES! It makes a difference. If you made batches of each and taste tested them, I guarantee you could tell the difference. More butter, more better – yea, I just said that! With only three ingredients, you must get them right. A great rice krispies treat should be buttery, sweet, and, of course, krispie!
As for marshmallows, you can buy packages of marshmallows in either 10 or 12 ounces – on this point, I really don’t think it matters that much. I will put the 12 oz package in my recipe because that is the Jet Puff brand and I like them. Plus, who’s complaining about more marshmallows? However, store brands are often in 10 ounce packages and it works just as well. The key to the perfect rice krispies treat is the butter – don’t go short on the butter, please! Your children will thank you!

Rice Krispies Treats
Buttery marshmallows melted into rice krispies cereal make a yummy treat.
- 1 stick butter
- 10 or 12 oz package of marshmallows
- 6 cups rice krispies cereal
Spray a 9 x 13 inch pan with non-stick cooking spray. Measure 6 cups of cereal into a large bowl.
In a medium sauce pan on medium to medium-low heat, melt butter and stir in marshmallows. Keep stirring until all of the marshmallows are melted.
Pour the marshmallow mixture into the cereal and stir until all of the cereal is covered. Transfer to the prepared pan. Spray a rubber scraper with non-stick spray and spread out the cereal in the pan until it is even and flat. Let it sit for 4 hours and then cut into 24 pieces and enjoy!