Amazon Prime Day Picks
Prime day is a great way to get some of those things on your wish list at a great savings all with FREE SHIPPING. Since we’ll be moving next month, my list is long! I’m sharing with you a few things that I will be snagging on Prime Day.
First is the Ring doorbell. Because of our upcoming move, Andy and I didn’t give each other Father’s or Mother’s day gifts. We have so much on our list from blinds, rugs, and this doorbell, we just decided to spend the money on those necessities. Is the Ring doorbell a necessity? Maybe, maybe not, but with so much craziness going on out there, like packages being stolen off your doorstep, I feel like it is good to have. Affl link.
Another electronic on my list is the kids Echo Dot. It comes with a year of free-time (access to kid-friendly books, shows, movies and music). This dot also has a port for head phones. These will be nice to have in the boys rooms. I can tell Alexa downstairs to “Tell Beau that dinner is ready.” It will communicate with Alexa upstairs and I don’t have to yell, or run upstairs when I am getting food on the table. Also, kid friendly content and parental controls means I don’t have to worry about them listening to questionable stuff. I require my kids to plug and charge their devices (phones and ipods) in my room at night so the kids echo dot will allow them to have access to the time, alarms, music and even a bed-time story at night. The kids Echo Dot is $49.99 for Prime Day. That’s a $20 savings off the regular price.
The regular Echo Dot is only $24.99 and is perfect for my older girls to have in their rooms. The softer new design makes it a nice addition and more practical for a teens room.
We just had an HDMI cable break and have been using the one we had upstairs for our TV in the living room. It has been annoying but I have been waiting for the deals to roll in before I bought a new one.
Now for the kitchen stuff. If you don’t have an instant pot, Prime Day is the perfect time to get one (that or Christmas). The 6 quart option is great for a medium size family. If you have a larger family, I’d go with the 8 quart. I have a 6 and it is usually fine , but there have been a couple times I have wanted an 8. An instant pot is the only way I cook hard boiled eggs. Set it for 5 minutes on pressure cook, let it self release for 2 minutes, then release the valve and bam, the perfect hard boiled eggs. Not only that, the shells practically fall off, so easy to peal. Also, pork roast in an hour, c’mon, it doesn’t get any better. It is fast and the most tender pork ever! You really won’t regret this purchase.
Are your kids into hydro flasks? Mine are. I just scored a few for upcoming birthdays at Dick’s Sporting Goods. They had an awesome sale but they came with the screw on lids, and the kids really like the flip top straw lids. I found this deal on Amazon for a combo that includes the straw lid and rubber boot for $13.99-15.99 depending on the color. Great deal!
This has nothing to do with the kitchen but just something I have been wanting for a while. I have seen all the amazing things people have done with the circuit cutting machine and I am jealous. Especially the t-shirt possibilities. Hello, matching family Disney shirts. This is on my wish list for sure.
No matter what you get these next couple days, happy shopping and I hope you are able to find some awesome deals!